Take a look into almost anyone’s pocket today and most of the time you’ll find a cellphone in there. It’s something we as humans have grown accustomed to. Many dread the fact of losing their phone for a day. In fact there is even a scientific term for the fear of not having a phone (Nomophobia), but that’s another whole topic in itself.
Anyways the point is, as we go throughout our busy lives we rely on our phone to always be there for us. In fact, most of us barely make it through the day on a single charge. So when they day is done and it’s time to get a few hours of sleep before the next day, we plug in our phones and rest assured that we’ll have a full battery in the morning. But ever since mobile phones were a thing, people have been asking the questions, “Is it bad to charge your phone overnight?” or “What will happen if I let my phone charge when I’m asleep?”.
Many say that you should never, ever, ever, ever let your phone charge while you’re asleep; but for many people, it can be hard to find other times for your phone to charge.
So let’s find out if this is true or maybe they’ve got it all wrong…
Will it kill my battery?
The answer is no. Letting your phone charge overnight will not kill your battery. Your “smart” phone will detect when full battery capacity is reached and immediately terminate the electrical signal. So it’s not possible to overcharge the battery.
That being said, many experts believe that it is optimal to leave your battery charged anywhere from 50% – 80%. But if you don’t want to constantly monitor your battery, there is absolutely nothing wrong with leaving it on the charger.

The Problem…
The only problem that could possibly occur from leaving your phone charging is overheating. You want to be careful to lay your phone on a flat, hard service and remove any cases that would block airflow. You certainly do not want to lay anything over it either.
Overheating of the battery can cause short circuits, or even melting of copper and surrounding internals of the phone. Obviously this does not sound like the most pleasant thing for a battery to undergo, which is exactly why you want to be careful when leaving your phone charging.
Time to charge with confidence!
Either this article made you feel a lot better about your charging habits, or maybe you learned a new fact today. Either way make sure to share this article with your friends so that they can discover the real truth and myths of overcharging.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments below, I’d love to hear your feedback!