Today, it seems that Google has unveiled revamped icons for the Google Play line of apps which include: Google Play, Play Store, Play Movies & TV, Play Music, Play Games, Play Books and Play Newsstand. They have recreated these icons so that they are more consistent in design by including the Play button as a background, and by changing the color of the button and the icon placed on top of the Play button itself. For the Google Play icon itself, Google has decided to use the design and color but in a much brighter shade than before.
Google is trying to keep a consistency in all the five Play apps, so that the entire family of Play apps look similar and can be identified very easily, probably even without the app text down below. The Play family has gone through quite a lot of changes when you think about the design and this change seems to be the best so far. Google has clearly shown a lot of thought in the design of icons.
According to the original post on their blog, we have been made aware that these changes will be coming to all devices very soon through updates that Google will be releasing for the apps themselves. There may even be actual updates to the apps themselves but we do not know about that as of now, it could just as well be a server-side change. Anyhow, the design of the apps do look quite good. There may even be design changes to some other app icons coming soon.

What do you think about the new app icon designs?
Source: Android Blog