Since the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S6 last year, Samsung started creating special editions of their phones. Like last year, for the S6 Edge they created an IronMan edition in red and gold with an IronMan logo on it. This year they created a BatMan themed S7 Edge with a BatMan logo and theme. Supposedly, Samsung has a phone design in the works for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
This great picture from @evleaks should be able to give us a great idea of what we can expect in an Olympic edition S7 Edge. In the picture we see a Galaxy S7 Edge with a dark blue finish, and a neon like metallic blue Olympic logo, with that same blue outlining the camera, and a classy gold for the earpiece and to outline the home button as well. Based on a glance at the picture I really like the design and colors used in this device.
There are also some Olympic apps being developed, which means Samsung may be working on some VR implementation for the 2016 Summer Olympics. We will know more information on what Samsung plans for the 2016 Summer Olympics as it is starting on August 5th in Rio.
I am personally very excited to see what goes on and if this special edition is launched as in my opinion, just like the Ironman and Batman edition devices, the Olympic edition also looks very clean and classy, thanks to the picture from @evleaks.
I am also excited to see what Samsung does with VR implementation to the 2016 games, as VR is a hot commodity right now and it will be interesting to see how Samsung uses VR to improve the user’s experience with the VR headset and the apps designed for the Olympics.
I think this is a great idea from Samsung and I am excited to see this project come together and see how everything works out. If you had the money for a limited edition Samsung phone, would you buy one? I know they are a pretty penny, but if I had the money I would definitely splurge and opt for something like this for a collector’s and display piece. Stay tuned for more tech content on the site!