We have been receiving some rumors as to a new feature that Samsung could be releasing, Samsung’s Smart Glow, in one of their new phones, the J2 (2016). This may first release on the J2, and later it may release on the S8. It changes the way we receive notifications, with a glowing ring around the camera. Recently, we may have thought that it is not that a big of a deal, but according to Sammobile, it is much more that we think, as now there are more details on this feature.
This glowing ring around the camera has three main features that it is made for, according to Sammobile: Priority Alerts, Usage Alerts and a Selfie Assist. With the Priority Alerts, it is similar to the Edge Lighting on Samsung’s Edge Series. It can assign various contacts to different colors, so you know who is calling you, has texted you or mailed you, without looking at the screen. It makes life that simple, especially when you are busy and your phone screen is facing downwards. The Usage Alerts is just something that warns you about the usage of your phone, such as the low battery and more.
The last feature of Samsung’s Smart Glow is to help with selfies with the rear camera, which the call Selfie Assist. Some people find that the front facing camera is not that good, and so would like to use the rear facing camera, but it is not that easy to. With the new feature, it will detect your face and once it has it will turn a different color. Once the ring lights up, after two seconds, the photo will be taken. Now you can take quality selfies with your phone.
According to Sammobile, there are indications that a Weather Ring and Health Ring could be created. The Weather Ring will show you a color that represents the weather with a change in color, such as yellow for sunny. This will show up when you shake the phone, so weather can be found at ease. The Health Ring is supposedly used to find your heart rate through the rear camera, but we have no clue as to how that may work, as it is to be implemented in the future.
If you like this idea, then wait, as you may be seeing this put to use in one of Samsung’s new phones. If you had this feature, will you be using it?